
Wednesday 20 June 2018

OK - so it happens!

I just spent the last two hours or more writing today’s Blog insert, only to do something that allowed me to overwrite it all with the pictures that I intended posting. What a  *#@%//(). 
I was going to print a really serious expletive here in big bold letters, but I reckon that that is part of what Bathurst does for you …………… it slows you down sufficiently to overcome these violent urges, and allows you instead to quietly start all over again.

The week has had its ups and downs, with Monday starting with a ‘down’.  I had spent the best part of the weekend telling friends how fortunate I had been to find the bricklayer/plasterer that I had working with me …………. how good he was, how trustworthy and reliable …………….. only to have him turn all of that upside down first thing Monday morning. He didn’t pitch for work (as had happened on four previous occasions over the last three weeks), so I called him to find out what the problem was ………. it was car problems as usual - I asked if he had any idea what time he would be in as I wanted to know whether to re-allocate his assistant, or let him go for the day. I was not impolite - I was not annoyed - I even asked if there was anything I could do to help. Shortly after 10am while I was doing my mail at the Bistro he arrived on site, packed his tools, and apparently hurled a few choice insults my way before leaving with his appointed assistant. I tried calling him four times, only to be “skelled” out from a dizzy height in a totally non-understandable colloquial idiom, and not given a chance to respond in any form whatsoever before having the phone disconnected. Nothing made any sense, and I sincerely hope that anyone reading this blog who may know him will pass on the message that I would dearly love to continue working with him if we can somehow find our way over this ridiculous hurdle.

I have found another artisan who seems equally capable - but I really do dislike parting ways under such dubious and inexplicable circumstances. I have also re-employed the assistant that he removed from the site, and do hope that at some stage he will make the effort to contact me to resolve matters.

So much for the ‘downs’. On Saturday we took the opportunity to run through to Grahamstown for K-Day, and went to watch the local Kingswood / St. Andrews first team rugby derby. What an absolute pleasure! Great rugby (very often better than the Provincial stuff that TV forces upon us), and what an amazing vibe, with the St.Andrews ground filled to absolute capacity with what must have been every single pupil from both schools as well as those from DSG plus every single parent, grandparent and friend in the surrounding districts.

We made it back to the Ploughman’s Pub just in time to have Eskom load-shed just as the National Anthem’s finished …………. fortunately one of the customers had an IPad with a DSTV connection that allowed us to watch in miniature until Patrick and Kai managed to set up a generator that got us back online just as England went into a 12 - 0 lead. Happily it never stayed that way and we all enjoyed a good win.

Sunday (Fathers’ Day), saw us enjoy a great braai at the Davidson’s house in Port Alfred with Jordan playing surrogate son and doing all the work before joining Pat and I with a couple of his ranger mates at the Bistro in Bathurst where we were fortunate enough to hear proprietors Anne and Barry play a very special brand of country ‘idiom’ music (my description), that had us all enthralled. Anne’s sets on the accordion backed by Barry’s intricate rhythm and bass backing on his acoustic guitar …………… all enhanced by some really beautiful vocals, made it something very special. I encourage everyone who is able to make the effort to bring a bottle of wine and visit the Bistro at around 6pm on a Sunday evening and spend and hour or two enjoying a very special brand of music. You really won’t be sorry.

Pat has managed to pull a lot of shape out of pure chaos into the garden at 6 York road, and I think that once the house is complete it will really compliment what she is doing. Jesse seems to love it more each day, bounding out of the car as we arrive and running hither and thither until virtually exhausted. I remember how Chavane’s Boxer, Georgie, used to love to run ………….. what Jesse does is similar, and just writing about Georgie’s enthusiasm brings tears to my eyes ……………. it is a joy to watch.

Monday evening saw us join the “Office” group for snacks and drinks at Howard’s very beautiful home with its 67km view across Port Alfred and the Indian Ocean. A lovely, friendly, bunch of people that have really made us feel very welcome in this amazing little village. I encourage all those of you that have never visited here to start making plans immediately. It really is a blast……… beautiful, affordable and full of stunning little nooks and crannies……………..during lunch today we followed a track that took us entirely unknowingly down to a gorgeous little dam on the Kowie river in the midst of the most incredible landscape and views ……… what a place to picnic and paddle - we will definitely be going back (after all it is only 10 minutes away).

Anne and Glen McCreath wearing red in support of Kingswood at K-Day

Kingswood on a charge

Up and at it

Pat working the garden

Plastering reveals and soffits

The Banana Orchard

The new outside loo built from throw-away materials

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