
Saturday, 18 April 2020


Yesterday and today have been the most magnificent days weatherwise here in Bathurst, and just sitting out on the deck we have been blessed on both days with the sight of continuous waves of white butterflies floating down across the garden. There are a multitude of other colors - bigger than the white ones - but the whites are predominant, and I would guess that there are a good few hundred in the garden at any one time. 

Just one of a great many butterflies in the garden

One of our little Greater Double-Collared Sunbirds giving me the eye

Along with the butterflies we have once again been blessed with a whole array of birds. Predominant have been the (Eastern) Black-Headed Orioles (Oriolus larvatus) with their amazing variety of whistling calls. They absolutely love our Flowering Chestnut tree, and there is hardly an hour that goes by without at least one making its appearance there.

(Eastern) Black-Headed Oriole (Oriolus larvatus) 

The sunbirds have also been making hay while the sun shines, particularly the many beautiful Amethyst (African Black) Sunbirds (Chalcomitra amethystina), and the ever present Greater Double-Collared Sunbirds with their very loud chattering song. Both these species have (and are), nesting in the garden and have become very familiar, with regular visits to the water feeder on our deck, often spending time almost within arms reach while we are there.

Amethyst (African Black) Sunbirds (Chalcomitra amethystina) up in the Flowering Chestnut and then down on the feeder

Aside from these, there are the ever-present Laughing Doves, Dark-Capped Bul-Buls, Cape Glossy Starlings, African Hoopoes and gatherings of often quite noisy Green (Red-Billed) Wood Hoopoes. Occasionally when we look up into the sky above the experimental farm to the south of us we are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a pair of African Fish Eagles who are (I am sure) resident at Waters Meeting……………and of course our resident Olive Thrush who only allows himself to be seen at either dawn or dusk, and never when I have the camera at hand.

Our resident Ha Da Da family spend a good deal of the day pecking through the grass and have made themselves quite acceptable to Jesse through their constant presence, and I suspect because of their really foul-smelling droppings which she will roll in given half a chance ………. even if it does mean being hard-hosed down to get rid of the pong.

What we have really been enjoying most about this lockdown though have been the magnificent “Sounds of Silence” that surround us all day. The beautiful birdsong, Crickets in the grass, and the occasional Cicada…… then, right now, as I am writing I hear a very low, slow whooo - whooo outside, and look to find about 6 cows munching on the pavement grass, breathing loud and contentedly as they do so. No doubt they’ll also leave some useful deposits to throw onto the compost heap - everything somehow seems to serve a purpose.

So - that’s about it for this Saturday insert. Hope you enjoyed the pics of the birds taken this morning. Enjoy the rest of your day, wherever you are. Take care, and stay safe.

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